Verification with Refinement Types

Ranjit Jhala

UC San Diego & AWS/ARG


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Program Analysis & Verification

Why limited broader impact and adoption?

Program Analysis & Verification

Why limited broader impact and adoption?

Program Analysis & Verification

Why limited broader impact and adoption?

Programmer's Analysis & Verification

Analysis Influences Program's Design

Analysis Influences Program's Design

Analysis Influences Program's Design

Uber NullAway Sridharan et al.

Analysis Influences Program's Design

Static Analysis at Google Sadowski et al. 2018

Analysis Influences Program's Design

Infer Analysis at Facebook Calcagno et al. 2018

Programmer's Analysis & Verification

Program Influences Analysis' Abilities

Program Influences Analysis' Abilities

Language Integrated Verification (LIVE)

This tutorial: LIVE with Refinement Types

LIVE with Refinement Types

Tutorial Goals

Why and how to use Refinement Types

How to implement Refinement Types

Language Integrated Verification
