Basic Refinement Types
Refinement Types = Types + Predicates
b := Int | Bool | ... -- primitives
| a, b, c -- type variables
t := {x:b | p} -- refined base
| x:t -> t -- refined function
is a predicate from a SMT decidable logic
Quantifier-Free Logic of Uninterpreted Functions & Linear Arithmetic
Quantifier-Free Logic of Uninterpreted Functions & Linear Arithmetic
e := x, y, z, ... -- variables
| 0, 1, 2, ... -- constants
| e + e | c * e | ... -- arithmetic
| f e1 ... en -- uninterpreted function
Quantifier-Free Logic of Uninterpreted Functions & Linear Arithmetic
e := x, y, z, ... -- variables
| 0, 1, 2, ... -- constants
| e + e | c * e | ... -- arithmetic
| f e1 ... en -- uninterpreted function
Congruence Axiom for Uninterpreted Functions
∀¯x,¯y. ¯x=¯y ⇒ f(x)=f(y)
Quantifier-Free Logic of Uninterpreted Functions & Linear Arithmetic
e := x, y, z, ... -- variables
| 0, 1, 2, ... -- constants
| e + e | c * e | ... -- arithmetic
| f e1 ... en -- uninterpreted function
p := e <= e | ... -- atoms
| p && p | p || p | !p -- boolean combinations
Quantifier-Free Logic of Uninterpreted Functions & Linear Arithmetic
Given a Verification Condition (VC)
SMT solvers can decide if VC is Valid ("always true")
Example: "Singletons"
The alias Zero
describes a type inhabited by a single Int
value 0
Refinement types via special comments {-@ ... @-}
Exercise: What happens if you modify the code or type?
Example: Natural Numbers
Exercise: What happens if you modify the code or type?
A Term Can Have Many Types
What is the type of 0
Is it {v:Int|v=0}
or is it {v:Int|0<=v}
In environment Γ the type t1 is a subtype of t2
In environment \Gamma the type t_1 is a subtype of t_2
\boxed{\Gamma \vdash t_1 \preceq t_2}
Where \Gamma is variable-and-type bindings that are in-scope
\Gamma \doteq \overline{\bindx{x_i}{P_i}}
In environment \Gamma the type t_1 is a subtype of t_2
\boxed{\Gamma \vdash t_1 \preceq t_2}
{\mathbf{If\ VC\ is\ Valid}} & \bigwedge_i p_i \Rightarrow q \Rightarrow r & (\mbox{By SMT}) \\
& & \\
{\mathbf{Then}} & \overline{\bindx{x_i}{p_i}} \vdash \reft{v}{b}{q} \preceq \reft{v}{b}{r} & \\
Example: Natural Numbers
\mathbf{VC\ is\ Valid:} & \True & \Rightarrow & v = 0 & \Rightarrow & 0 \leq v & \mbox{(by SMT)} \\
\mathbf{So:} & \emptyset & \vdash & \Zero & \preceq & \Nat & \\
Example: Natural Numbers
\mathbf{VC\ is\ Valid:} & \True & \Rightarrow & v = 0 & \Rightarrow & 0 \leq v & \mbox{(by SMT)} \\
\mathbf{So:} & \emptyset & \vdash & \Zero & \preceq & \Nat & \\
And so, we can type:
2. Typing Applications (Function Calls)
Terms built up by function-applications.
2. Typing Applications (Function Calls)
Terms built up by function-applications.
Built-in Functions
plus :: x:Int -> y:Int -> {v:Int|v = x + y}
minus :: x:Int -> y:Int -> {v:Int|v = x - y}
Output Type is a Post-Condition
Specifies the output value equals the sum/difference of the inputs
2. Typing Applications (Function Calls)
Terms built up by function-applications.
How to prove four :: Nat
2. Typing Applications (Function Calls)
Dependent Application
{\mathbf{If}} & \Gamma \vdash f :: \bindx{x}{s} \rightarrow t \\
& \Gamma \vdash y :: s \\
{\mathbf{Then}} & \Gamma \vdash f\ y :: t[x \mapsto y] \\
i.e. Output type with formals substituted by actuals
2. Typing Applications (Function Calls)
Dependent Application: Example
{\mathbf{If}} & \Gamma \vdash \mathit{plus} :: \bindx{a}{\Int} \rightarrow
\bindx{b}{\Int} \rightarrow
\reft{v}{\Int}{v = a + b} \\
& \Gamma \vdash x :: \Int \\
& \Gamma \vdash 1 :: \Int \\
& \\
{\mathbf{Then}} & \Gamma \vdash \mathit{plus}\ x\ 1 :: \reft{v}{\Int}{v = x + 1}
2. Typing Applications (Function Calls)
And so, we can type:
Exercise: What happens if you replace plus
with minus
2. Typing Applications (Function Calls)
Similarly, we can type:
Exercise: Now, what happens if you replace plus
with minus
Recap: Basic Refinement Types
Refinement Types
Types + Predicates
Recap: Basic Refinement Types
Refinement Types
Types + Predicates
Refinement Checking
Dependent Application + Predicate Subtyping
Recap: Refinement Types 101
Refinement Types
Types + Predicates
Refinement Checking
Dependent Application + Predicate Subtyping